Jl. Amarta No.50 RT 01, RW 01, Pelem, Baturetno, Kec. Banguntapan, Kab. Bantul, DI Yogyakarta 55198
Jam Kerja
Senin - Jum'at: 08.00 - 16.00 WIB
Sabtu: 08.00 - 13.30 WIB
Jl. Amarta No.50 RT 01, RW 01, Pelem, Baturetno, Kec. Banguntapan, Kab. Bantul, DI Yogyakarta 55198
Jam Kerja
Senin - Jum'at: 08.00 - 16.00 WIB
Sabtu: 08.00 - 13.30 WIB
The Hemoglobin Analyzer from Yofalab is a portable device for measuring hemoglobin levels in the blood, providing quantitative results. It also delivers readings for Hemoglobin (HGB) and Hematocrit (HCT).