Jl. Amarta No.50 RT 01, RW 01, Pelem, Baturetno, Kec. Banguntapan, Kab. Bantul, DI Yogyakarta 55198
Jam Kerja
Senin - Jum'at: 08.00 - 16.00 WIB
Sabtu: 08.00 - 13.30 WIB
Jl. Amarta No.50 RT 01, RW 01, Pelem, Baturetno, Kec. Banguntapan, Kab. Bantul, DI Yogyakarta 55198
Jam Kerja
Senin - Jum'at: 08.00 - 16.00 WIB
Sabtu: 08.00 - 13.30 WIB
Clot Activator does not contain any additives and is used for biochemistry and immunology, for example, the determination of CSF.
Clot Activator Tube is used for blood sampling and conventional serum experiments, such as clinical biochemistry tests, immunology tests, and radioimmunoassays.